Understanding Grey Divorce


It's no longer just young people seeking divorce advice in Pasadena. In the last five years, the number of people ages 50-65 looking for partners on the online dating site Match.com rose by an astonishing 89%. This can largely be attributed to the growth in what experts call grey divorce.

Nearly 25% of divorces among people ages 50-65 were initiated by wives. Husbands initiated 14% of divorces. The rest of the divorcing couples came to a mutual decision regarding their split.

Reported reasons for wanting to divorce varied, but there were many couples reporting that they wanted to enjoy their golden years instead of feeling like they were stuck in an unhappy relationship. Often, an extramarital affair acted as the catalyst for the divorce.

When the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers studied grey divorces, they found that alimony was the most contentious issue in 38% of cases. This is not surprising since it can be very difficult to re-enter the workforce or move up in a current position when you're struggling with the effects of age discrimination in the workplace. Young divorcees can always go back to school or open their own business. These types of solutions aren't as practical for boomers.

Retirement accounts and pensions were listed as the other significant issues affecting divorcing couples aged 50-65. The closer a divorcing couple is to retirement, the more affected they will be by having to split assets and maintain two separate households during their golden years.

One thing that doesn't change with a grey divorce is the intensity of emotions a divorcing couple feels. Divorce, regardless of your age, is always an emotional experience. Even though you're no longer worried about how the divorce will affect your young children, divorcing requires radically rethinking your plans for the future. There are several divorce support groups, both in person and online, that you might find helpful if you need someone to talk to about your experiences.

How Can We Help?

If you're in the middle of a grey divorce, please call our office at (626) 683-8113 or email us at info@PasadenaLawOffice.com. Our Pasadena matrimonial attorneys are happy to provide the assistance you need regarding issues such as spousal support and the division of pension or retirement accounts.
