Divorcing a Sex Addict


If you've discovered your spouse suffers from a sex addiction, you may be wondering if a Pasadena divorce is your only option.

Sex addiction, like alcoholism or a gambling problem, can be treated. But, the addict has to be willing to change. If your spouse is not committed to attending therapy and working on discovering the reason for his behavior, permanent change is unlikely. In this case, a divorce may very well be the best option for protecting yourself from further heartbreak.

Unfortunately, from a legal perspective, your partner's sex addiction doesn't matter much in your divorce settlement. California allows for a no-fault divorce, so the exact reason for your divorce doesn't make a difference. Assets and debts from the marriage are still divided according to the standard community property laws.

However, if you have children with your partner, sex addiction could be a factor in the child custody hearing. If your partner is spending so much time pursuing sexual relationships that he's neglecting his children, this could be a reason to deny custody or to limit visitation rights. Exposing the children to pornography or displaying inappropriate behaviors in front of them would be another reason for the court to restrict a sex addict's parental rights.

If you are divorcing your spouse because of a sex addiction, you will obviously need to have a complete workup done to check for STDs. Sex addicts have multiple partners and rarely practice safe sex, which means you have been placed at risk. California is one of the 35 states that have laws against the criminal exposure of another person to HIV. This would be entirely separate from your divorce case, however.

When seeking a divorce from a sex addict, you will want to hire an experienced Pasadena divorce attorney. A DIY divorce or a mediated divorce wouldn't be ideal in these circumstances. A true sex addict is manipulative and irrational, which means you need to have a professional helping to advocate for your best interests throughout the divorce process.
